Please tell us about your experience at Therapy {massage studio} by clicking the links below to leave a review on any of the following websites. Thank you so much for your time & feedback!
At Therapy, we strive to provide professional massage that is both relaxing and therapeutically effective. From time to time we could all use a little relief from an aching shoulder, sore back, tight neck, sore feet etc., but there’s no reason why that 30, 60 or 90 minutes can’t also be a time to relax and recharge. Likewise, everyone needs to take time to themselves, to slow down and simply relax…there are many therapeutic benefits to even a relaxation massage. (Click here to read a Mayo Clinic article on the many benefits of massage).
Please click one of the links above and tell us about your experience. Feel free to email us with any concerns or problems you may have experienced. We want to make sure that our clients are well taken care of.